
WEGRAZ Gesellschaft für Stadterneuerung und Assanierung m.b.H.
Leechgasse 29, 8010 Graz

+43 316 38 49 09 – 29

Company details

Director: Dieter Johs
FN: 58605 i
VAT Reg. No. ATU 51554606
Jurisdiction: Graz commercial court
Information pursuant to e-commerce law:


This website represents the temporary state of a continuous work process. Although the information contained on our webpages has been compiled with the greatest possible care, WEGRAZ cannot guarantee that the content will be accurate, up-to-date or complete. The information is intended as a general description of the projects and does not form part of an offer or contract. Renderings and images of interiors are provided for illustrative purposes. We reserve the right to make changes to plans, dimensions and designs should this be necessary for technical production reasons.

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